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Ledgers and journals

Ledgers and Journals form the basis of reporting in Payments and Billing (V2).

Each user has their own linked journal, which contains details about all their transactions, giving you complete visibility of your club's finances.

The system will calculate monthly Direct Debit payments based on the balance of a user's journal.

The system will only credit user journals when Stripe confirms payments as collected, giving a true reflection of the amounts owed.

Heads up

Ledgers and Journals in SCDS Membership drive reporting and tracking money owed by members. They aren't for use as a nominal (general) ledger, and in fact don't provide the required tools for that.

SCDS recommends all clubs make use of professional accounting software, such as Sage Accounting. Speak to an accountant to help you understand what is best for your organisation.

Ledgers and journals generated by the system

The system will create ledgers and journals automatically for the tracking the following entities.

  • users
  • squads
  • extra fees
  • competitions (v2 only)
  • memberships

You can navigate to an entity journal from the main page for that entity. You can also navigate via the Ledgers and Journals page.

Using a ledger

To use a ledger, navigate to it from the Ledgers and Journals page or navigate to a ledger from one of its journals.

You will see a list of journals associated with the ledger. In the top right are options to create a journal or drilldown into the ledger.

Drilldown lets you view all credits and debits in any period.

Using a journal

You can explore a journal in much the same way as a ledger. Drilldown lets you view all credits and debits in any period.